Wednesday, August 26, 2009


A picture of a moth, during one of my
late-afternoon walks
There is something so picturesque -
so beautiful -
even captivating,
about a field full of hay bails drying out underneath
a late-Summer sun

Our "neighbors" :)
Angus cows
We have had a horrible number of
all over the place! In the garden,
sun-bathing on the house,
on the cement... It's disgusting!
Some of our Bountiful Harvest.
We'll be canning these beautiful clusters of spheres
very soon.
Home made grape juice is very much enjoyed,
especially on Christmas and Thanksgiving
This is not a view of our house, but from our property of
another "neighbor," who lives
about a mile and a half, maybe two miles, away.
I enhanced the coloring on this picture...
Looking out our dining room window.
Overall "dining room window" shot
Need more be said?
Wild flowers speckle the sides of the roads.
This Spring wild roses were rampant.
This Summer, wild daisies, black-eyed Susann's,
sunflowers... and these enchanting little
yellow buds
decorate the fields, road-sides
and just about anywhere they can take root.
Butterfly and bird pictures are probably my favorite,
although frogs are fun to capture
on the camera as well.
Here is a monarch atop our blooming onions.
And our roosters. 4:30 Am they begin their
"every half hour" crowing sessions.
We named them Lafayette and Napoleon
(which we took from The Aristocats,
the Walt Disney movie)

And all of us kiddos during our family vacation at the beginning of August.

Enjoy the rest of your Summer,

and God richly bless :)

Miss Elizabeth

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