Twice a week we give a bag full away, and still
have delectable salads
every evening :)
One of my younger sisters and my favorite places to snack:
Straw berry patch: Three 4x4ft "raised beds"
absolutely FULL of rich red strawberries.
into our front yard flower bed.
It has finally bloomed.
The aroma that wafts from this bush is fantastic!
view of our vegetable/ berry garden (this area does not
include our cluster of raspberry bushes, blueberry bush or
three seasoned mulberry trees.
"In the Meadow, in the Garden, where we once tasted all we could eat. There's a meadow, in the garden; I'll dance in the garden, dance in the garden with Eve."
~Cyndi Morgan "Dance in the Garden"
Gardening, "one of life's purest pleasures," takes up the majority of my Summer.
Starting in late winter, with the snow still thick on the ground and freezing temperatures still holding onto the weather, for dear life, we begin planting.
Teenie seeds, sometimes as small as the pin of a pen, are plucked into miniature holes, made by our pinkies, in small pots, which are carefully arranged on the front porch. Daily watering, first beginning as drops of water, fed by straws, onto each small seed, then "graduating" to spoon feeding. After that's it's basic watering, sometimes fertilizing and "Miracle Grow"ing :)
Since our front porch works, more or less, as well as a green house in the winter, we'll start planting as early as February and March. (Feb. being the most snowy month of the year, here bordering the Black Hills.)
This year is our first growing potatoes. We planted three variates. Although I don't know the technical names for each potato I do know that we have "Early" red potatoes, "Mid" and "Late" brown potatoes. So far we have harvested only the red ones, but one brown one did get into our beautiful mix last evening.
Any time of the year, mom makes sure each of her children (all four, and five when my sister is home from college) have their "outdoor" or "Vitamin D therapy." I thoroughly enjoy this time of the day. It's not particular "set" time, but most of the time after three in the afternoon.
There is something very therapeutic about growing and eating one's own vegetables, eating berries and gently searching out potatoes.
My goal is to post on here at least once a week, and if at all possible more. The theme is, obviously, gardening, recipes from the garden and Summer treats (snacks, desserts, beverages, picnic foods etc.), as well as sharing some incredibly awesome homesteading and recipe books!
I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing!
(And if you have any comments, concerns, questions or advice, please feel free to post a comment on the latest posting:) I'll be happy to and take into consideration what you have to say!)God bless, keep and grow you and your family,
and bring you a Bountiful Harvest this Fall!
~ Miss Elisabeth
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