Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Gardening on Saturday

Gardened ALL DAY on Saturday. The weather was incredible! Sun shining bright, intoxicating aroma wafting on the Summer breaze and clouds only before dusk. Truly incredible!

A visitor, a painted turtle,
in our three acre front "yard."
Oh my goodness! Mulberries and strawberries!
They are SO delicious!
Right before we went into the house,
after a long and hot day of outdoor work
we had the opportunity to witness
the beautiful promise of God's love and patience of human kind -
a rainbow
You can't see the rainbow nearly as well
in this picture,
but it's in the upper right hand corner of the picture
coming "out of" the trees.
Dusk on the Paririe.
That little speck, on the left edge of the photo
is actually the moon:)
The moon and the stars,
in all their wonderous glory.
As Laura Ingells wrote
"they were singing!"
The colorful specks are witness that God is an artist.
Looking at this picture, it appears
that the Author of Creation
took a toothbrush and flicked a bunch of shimmering
multi-colored speckles onto
a deep blue canvas,
does it not?

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful pictures! I so want to garden. I haven't really attempted to yet, other than my lavendar- but I'm inspired now :) The fruit looks so yummy!!!

    Thanks so much for commenting on my blog. I fixed the script for my button- so it should work now. I really appreciate you wanting to link to me (it made my day :D)

    Hope you have a blessed day, and I look forward to getting to know you!

